Kristian Stridsman interview
This time we team up with Kristian Stridsman. The local big fish guy that always catch the biggest one. We try to get under his skin and understand his fishing to get one step closer to catching a big Baltic salmon. He is a good friend of us and mainly because he just a really good guy.
Thank you for your time Kristian.
Can you make a short introduction to yourself?
“39 years old, living in Luleå with my family (Emma, Edith and Einar)
Born and raised in Kangos at the bank of Lainio River. Been fishing my whole life. Educated fishing guide for 3 years in high school.“
When do you start to fish?
“When I was big enough to hold a fishing rod 😊”
Why do you fish?
“I just love fishing! Being out in the nature, standing in a cold river. It´s some sort of meditation for me. I really like the hunt for salmon. It´s basically always a great challenge to get a fish that don´t eat in the river to take your fly. I like the struggle.”
When did you catch your first salmon and where?
“I think I was like 13 years old. First time alone with my buddy Anders in a big river boat on the Lainio River and we hooked a salmon under the bridge in Kangos. Not a big one, but from that moment I was hooked.”
Who has taught you to fly fish for salmon?
“I had some good mentors in the beginning of my fly fishing career. Dan Ojanlatva from Kangos, Bengt-Olov Lundbäck from Kalix are some of them. And of course my father Alf and grandfather Birger (fishing in general)
I also attended a casting course in Kangos many years ago and from that point forward I feel I really started to evolve as a salmon fisherman.”
What is your biggest dream regarding fishing?
“To catch a bigger salmon 😊”
Apart from catching a salmon, what is the part you like the most about salmon fishing?
“The struggle! As Munken once said, I´m not much for the umbrella drink-fishing. I like when you have to work hard for your catch. The rougher conditions, the better it feels to catch a salmon 😊”
When did you realize that you had become a salmon fisher?
“That moment in the boat with my friend Anders.”
Could you say a few words about your best tip for salmon fishing?
“Learn how to cast properly so you fish with efficiency. And as always – “The fly in the water” You have to put in the hours.”
What fish do you remember the best?
No doubt about it. My biggest fish so far. The one in Kengis 2015.
Thank you Kristian!
Photos: Ted Logart & Lars Munk