Week 26 - Wade deep and cast long
Wade deep and cast long
Week 26 we had a visit from some really skilled fishermen. The expectations were high since we saw good numbers of fish running and it was supposed to be one of the best weeks of the seaon.
But sometimes salmonfishing is the most easy thing to do and sometimes its a hardest thing to do. This week was one of the hard ones. Everybody was fishing hard, different flies, lines and on different rotation plans. There was always a fly in the water and they really worked hard.
Mighty Torne river
Its a privilege to be around skilled and experienced guests thats know alot about salmon fishing and knows that you cant always get lucky with the salmon. The week before and the start of week 26 was really warm and sunny, so water was warm and the fishing was hard. Fish showed up, but did not pay any attention to our flies.
Leif and Aslak went in deep, to search for the fish in more fast water
Hajas was the lucky fisherman this week, he landed this silverbomb and was all smiles. It’s great to see and feel that a experienced guy like Hajas, that have many salmon in his book, is being happy for every fish he catch. That is what makes a real salmonfisher.
Hajas with a baltic salmon and big smile!
Torne river. Zone 2 & 3 at Kengis Bruk
In the end of the week the fishing was still hard and it was time to clear the thoughts with something special. All week long the guests had a great time with good food and good moments at the water.
Tequila thursday in Kengis
Leif was unlucky this week and lost the one fish that strikes his fly. He was fishing the same place many times and really gave it all he could. But this time the salmon won.
Photos by Focus on fly media, Alvaro G. Santillan