Week 29 - Welcome to the grilse
Sammy with his grilse from zone 3
In the past week we welcomed the grilse at Kengis Bruk. We had six guests fishing all week. The guys was fishing all water and spend the most of the time at the water swinging flies. First to get in contact with a fish was Christian, he fished zone 3 the first nigth and lost a good sized fish during the first rounds. Its always good to start with contact to a salmon, you get the feeling and getting pumped for the week. But sometimes it’s a hard game waiting for the salmon.
It seemed like the fish come in small groups this week and when they came there was some action. Rickard and Tobias was testing some new waters in Kengis this week and got some pulls, but no fish took the flies properly.
Christian with a grilse from zone 3
After loosing his first fish Christian was the first to land a fish. He had good action together with Sammy at the end of Zone 3. Both landed grilse and lost fish as well.
Midnight magic in Kenigs
Peter and Per fished spend a lot time the water this week. And i paid off for Per. He landed a grilse at the lower parts of zone 1 and then he lost a god sized fish at the edge of the net in zone 3. It’s good to meet guests with the rigt spirit about salmonfishing. Enjoying the time by the water with fire, food and some wine.
Baltic beauty
Salmon is a tricky fish to catch, sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s super hard. You can have all the right conditions, but the fish dont want to take out flies. But then there will be fish that take fly out of nothing. Sammy got a grilse last week, and it’s good to see the smile on our guests face even though it was not that big.
Haze over zone 2
The light and haze over the water was special this week. Cold nights and warmer water made it look super nice.
Next week are we facing alot rain and rising water. It’s gonna be interesting to see what happens with the fishing.
Photos by Jonno Winnel, Christian, Sammy and Aslak