Zone 1

  • Zone 1

    Is the resting zone. After the salmon have traveled through the rapids they rest in zone 1 before they continue the journey. In august Zone 1 holds a lot of spawning fish and you can face really good fishing with good numbers and huge fish as well.

    Zone 1 is fishable in most water levels. In the early season with high water, the lower part of the zone is fished from the grass. Later on when the water level drops you can fish the zone from the upper neck all the way down to lower neck.

  • Upper neck

    Fishing from the beginning of the V and all the way down the middle neck. This is a big spawning area, so in august this place holds many fish. The fish usually holds up around the rock in the middle of the V, towards the stone starting the V. There are good chances all the way down. Take care of the deep holes and wade carefully on the slippery rocks.

  • Pot hole

    Deep hole close to shore holds fish in high water.

  • Middle neck

    The fast running water is great for grilse fishing in the end of July and beginning of august. If you cast over to the mirror water on the far side of the fast running water, there is a typical holding spot before the fish continue swimming upstream.

  • The dead birch

    Classic deepwater channel, fish holding up on both the far side and the shore side. Try to cast to the mirror water on the far side and let the fly swing all the way in.

  • The ledge

    Deep drop off from the shore and into the channel. Fish are held on both sides of the channel.

  • The hole

    Deep hole close to shore holds fish in high water and especially in the early season and in august.

  • The pine

    A good striking point. You are swinging your fly over some good sized rocks and the fish tent to hold around these rocks.

  • Lower neck / Big Al's pool

    The end of zone 1 is going into another V, fish is holding up in the V and in the pockets around all the stones you see in the area.