Zone 2 & Island pool

  • Zone 2 & Island pool

    Is probably one of the best big fish pools in the right conditions. High water and a good run of fish, then you have a good chance to hook into one of the big baltic salmon. The salmon stop and rest before entering the rapids and it gives you a good chance to hook into a baltic chromer. This pool is best in the early season, but don't forget it in the late season, there is still fresh fish running and they need to pass here.

    In high water the pool is fished from the bank. Island pool can be tricky in really high water, but we know that the fish will take that way also. Island pool and boat pool can be fished in traditionel way down to 350m3 water level. When we go lower than that you need to adjust your fishing. Focus on the lower parts of Boat pool and the outside of Island pool. When the water are even lower, around 200m3 you can start fish powerline. It is a tricky line to fish, so let the lodge manager show you the first times.

  • Powerline

    In the powerline pool you are covering the smallest gap in our water, we know the fish are going through here and we know that sometimes they hold up around the big rocks for an extra break before the rapids. Take care with the wading, it's big rocks and a bit tricky.

    In the right water level you can wade from the powerline and all the way down to the fireplace. But ask you ghillie before you go. He knows if the water level is okay.

  • Pike pool

    In high water this is like a big washing machine, and the salmon will stop in the hydrated water and behind all the big rocks. In lower water it's a good pike fishing spot.

  • Boat pool

    Is all the way from the boats and to the fireplace, where there is excellent fishing in high water. You are sometimes wading on the grass and covering all the big stones where the fish hold up. In the area outside the fireplace there are some big rocks and the fish hold up outside of these stones. In high water they can even take the inside channel and you can hook them behind all the big rocks. Is all the way from the boats and to the fireplace, where there is excellent fishing in high water. You are sometimes wading on the grass and covering all the big stones where the fish hold up. In the area outside the fireplace there are some big rocks and the fish hold up outside of these stones. In high water they can even take the inside channel and you can hook them behind all the big rocks.

  • Island pool

    In high water Island pool is one of our best pools, it's deep, narrow and we know the fish is going this way upstream. With a good cast you are covering all of the deep channel and the fish will see the fly. Remember to fish it all the way down, at the end of the pool comes a little neck and outside of that there is a deep hole where they sometimes stop for a break.