Week 24 - 14 salmon landed, football & Kengis feeling
Fishing with your friends is always nice and a baltic salmon makes it even better
This week was absolutely amazing. Our guests from Finland had really good conditions and that showed right away. It is a special feeling when you hit a good week when you go salmon fishing. It is always a gamble. Will the fish be there? Will they strike our flies? And the gap between succesfull fishing and those times when the salmon doesn't want to play, is extremely small. The good thing is that our group from Finland always enjoy themselves when they visit Kengis.
Fantastic baltic salmon
First to land a fish was Kimmo, and what a nice fish. This year the fish has been in really good shape. Fat and powerfull, just like we want them to be at Kengis.
Pekka with big smiles and a fresh salmon
The group had a really good change in the water that effected the fishing. The water started to rise early in the week and the rise made Boat pool and Island pool fish really good. Later on in the week they also fished zone 3, Savikuoppa and got in contact with the baltic salmon.
Janne for sure know where to find the fish at Kengis
Most of the fish was landed during the change in the water and that really shows how effective a change is and it is important to be at the river and see what happens with the water. The last part of the week the weather changed and the sun came. The fishing slowed down a bit, but the fish was still in the pools.
Fish on in Island pool
Look at the conditions of this Kengis salmon
Memorable moments from Kengis
The flies that worked well this week was; Phatakorva, Thunder & Lightning, Black & Orange and Red but.
Another good fish from Boat pool
How is salmon fishing and football connected? The Finnish guys was off course supporting their team when they played against Russia in the European championship. They were not really sure about some important guy from Russia had connection to the referee, but they was sure the there was no off side on the goal to Finland.
Baltic salmon fishing & football
And the guests left us a really nice message before they left; "In Kengis Bruk, everything still rocks well in all areas. It is a pleasure to fish - and have amazing weeks when the salmon gods are auspicious. A special mention for the superstar of our group! Janne Vanhatalo was literally on fire and caught as many as 7 salmon in a week - that's probably some kind of record too! - Ville, Janne, Pekka, Sami & Kimmo"
Janne with another one
A fat one from Island pool
What a fantastic week, 14 landed and several lost fish as well. We cross our fingers that it will continue the rest of the season!
Tight lines from us at Kengis Bruk
Aslak, Oscar & Lars