Kengis Bruk opening week
The season is started at Kengis Bruk! We started with snow on the bank, cold water and a lot of water running in the river. Torne river is a big river, it's running fast and with high water it's really powerfull, but we did our best to get one of the first salmon in tough conditions.
In the early week we had a visit from our friends from the nice hotel and restaurant Aurora Estate located at Ylläsjärvi. They are making a lifestyle book from Lapland and a summerchapter from Kengis is in the book. It's goona be interesting to see the result.
Sirly, Heidi & Henna
Then we had the locals, Heart of Lapland and Swedish Lapland coming in and doing early season fishing. It was tough conditions, rising water and a lot of dirt in the colored water. All guys fished hard and we all just waited for the first salmon of the season. But it didn't go as we hoped. Ted was the first one to get in contact with a salmon. The fish took the fly in a strange way, and after netting it, we took a closer look, but unfortunately we could see it was an osenka.
Our lodge is ready for the season
Håkan from Swedish Lapland planning his next move
After some hard days it was Kristians turn to get in contact with fish. We heard him from the water yelling:"YEP" and we thought that now its on, but again we got a little dissapointed when we saw another osenka. Nice looking fish, but it needs to gain some weight.
Kristian with a beautiful fish, but it need some more weight to be fresh.
We had some good sunny days and Ted got this cool picture showing Kengis Bruk from the sky. Its gonna be an exciting season.
Kengis Bruk
We spend a lot of time at the water, but this time we got no fresh fish. Now we are just waiting for the salmon to start their journey up the Torne river, so we hopefully can catch some good fish here at Kengis Bruk.
Planning and waiting at boat pool, Kengis Bruk.
Our lodge manager, Aslak is concentrated and waiting for the first fresh fish to come
Tight lines for the rest of the season!
Photos by Ted Logardt and Tommi Hynynen