Week 24 - First fresh fish of the season
Ronni with 103cm baltic beauty.
The first week of the season is always something special. Are there fish in the pools? Will they take our flies? What will happen during the week? We had four guests in the first week and they had a tough start. The river was running with more than 1000m3 and was not making it easy for the fishermen. Even the heavy sinking lines was not enough. But they kept on fighting and when the water dropped Ronni got the first fresh fish of the season. A 103cm beautiful baltic salmon.
Ronni was here last year and everybody was catching and loosing fish around him, in the end he got into a baltic salmon, but lost it. The smile on his face when he landed one this year was priceless.
River running with more than 1000m3
Good support from the group
We all know the feeling
We did not see many fish in the pools the first week, so it was hard work to get in contact with them. All guys fished hard, changed lines, flies and tactics.
On the last day David lost a fish in the early morning. He thougt that it was his chance, but in the evening he got his revenge. Once again we saw big smiles!
David fighting the fish in Island pool
David show that hard work pay off
Lars Munk got this weeks biggest fish, a early morning swing was all he needed and the fish gave him a fight beyond his imagination. He was fighting the fish for about 30 min. It was dragging him around boat pool, but in the end he managed to land it all by himself.
This 115cm baltic salmon got Lars all sweaty during the fight
All fishermen got in contact with the strong baltic salmon, but it was a though week and we managed to land three fish. Now we are waiting for the water to drop and the main run of fish to come to Kengis.
Midnight sun at boat pool
Photos by Thomas Hjemsted, Aslak Lund & Lars Munk