Season recap 2021
Oscar Chen with this season biggest fish from Kengis Bruk
Kengis Bruk 2021
The season is over at Kengis Bruk and we have had some time to look back at 2021. With more than 86.000 Baltic salmon entering Torne River we hoped for a good season and where lucky.
As we have talked about before, this season was special for us. A new guy, Oscar, to take care of our guests in Kengis and Aslak helping from Denmark. It was different for us, but before the season we agreed that the most important thing was to show and share Kengis feeling and we have seen that all season. Thank you to all guests visiting Kengis this year and we look forward to seeing many of you back next year.
In the early season we had really high water and a big rise just before the season started slowed down the early run a bit. In the first week we had a visit from SVT filming an episode for Fiskeliv (fishing life) with Emilie Björkman. Baltic salmon fishing is something special and we cross fingers that they caught the Kengis feeling. In the first weekend the fish started to show up. Kristian is always the man behind a good fish from Kengis and this year he started the season with a 111cm baltic dream fish. Later the same day our very own Lars landed a 95cm fish and the season was on at Kengis. During the first days of the season our friends landed three fish and we were now ready for the first guests.
Kristian with another big baltic salmon from Kengis Bruk
Lars with a good fish from the first week
The first group of guests is our regular danish group, they know how to fish Kengis and that showed already the first night. They landed nice Baltic salmon and the week could not start in a better way. The weather was a challenge for them, but in the end of the week they landed three fish and when we talked with them, they have had another amazing week and they said; “next week is gonna be crazy”
Silver & smiles
Thomas with a good sized fish
And it was a crazy week. In total 17 fish landed and many lost. Our regular Finnish group was finally back at Kengis after covid-19 canceled last year's trip. And what a way to return. All the fish were healthy and in really good conditions.
More smiles & silver
What a week with 17 fish on land
Then we faced a period with lower water. Kengis Bruk is depending on the snow in the mountains to keep a good water flow throughout the season. Heavy rain can make the river rise, but it is mostly the snow. This year most of the snow melted away early in the season, but our group still got good chances for a fresh Baltic salmon. In the first run Henke lost a fish and Andreas landed a fish and the hopes for the week were high, but it was a hard week. Andreas was the lucky one and his knowledge of Kengis paid off with another good fish landed.
Andreas with one of his two fish from the week
In the last week of June and first of July the weather was almost too good for fishing, but a high number of rising fish showed that even in difficult conditions you can land fish at Kengis. The group lost quite many fish, but Pontus and Patrick showed the way with nice baltic salmon on land.
Hey there silver
Sun & silver
In week 27 we have the story of the season. Oscar Chen was fishing with his dad and their friend and Oscar was at Kengis with the junior program. All juniors under 18 years fish for free as long as they come with a parent. And 14 must be Oscars magic number for the future. He is 14 years old and landed a monster baltic salmon 114cm. What an experience for the young guy. The group ended up with four landed fish.
Oscar landed a 95 cm baltic salmon also, what a week for the young fisherman
Amazing scenery
Fingers burns after a lost fish
Week 28 was the week of long cast and lost fish. It was another warm week and the conditions were tricky. Janne will for sure remember the week, he got his finger burned on the line when he lost a big fish that took a long run before the leader snapped. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Matteo with a fish from Powerline pool
Good times in Savikuoppa with CRUD
Then it was time to see fish on land again, this time it was Matteo that landed a good sized fish in the powerline pool. He fished hard and got rewarded. The guys from CRUD SWEDEN kept on fighting and ended up with several fish lost and a grilse landed.
Kengis feeling
Blury picture, but big smile
Then we welcomed a group from Switzerland. They showed real Kengis feeling with a lot of time at the river, good food and fish on land. It was still low water and a bit too warm, but in the end they landed four fish. See you back next year.
Tuukka was on fire this week
Fish was in healthy conditions this year
Week 31 was Tuukka’s week. He ended up with four landed fish and his friend Antti with two. Sometimes you just hit the right place at the right time. Everyone fished more or less the same way in the week, but the fish was more into Tuukka’s flies.
99cm & a happy fisherman
Salmon selfie from Matteo
The week after we got close to the magic 100cm, Jussi landed a beautiful male fish 99cm and his first salmon. What a way to start. Joonas landed a nice fish from upper neck and Matteo was back in Kengis landed a good sized fish from zone 1 and a grilse. It felt like the late season fishing started to show what it can deliver.
Frantz with a good fish from zone 1
Pascal with his first Kengis salmon
Week 33 we got a cancelation, luckily for us, we could move them to next year and it made some open days for our good friend Frantz. He has been in Kengis for years and knows the place really well. Him and his friend, Pascal fished Kengis for two days and ended up with five landed and some lost. Imagine if they fished a full week at Kengis. It looked good for our last week with guests.
First round, first fish
Daniel landed 5 fish that week
Christofer came back for revenge
In the last week of the season we welcomed Daniel, Jonathan and Christofer. They had an amazing week with 10 fish on land and a lot of the Kengis feeling. Amazing that you sometimes can hit a perfect week. Lars and Ted ended the week with a film project and landed 5 fish during some hours. In the last days of the season Aslak landed three fish and we had a good ending of the season at Kengis.
Lars with a august beauty
Last fish of the 2021 season
Once again thank you to all our guests and partners for making this season fantastic. 75 landed fish and for sure same numbers were lost.
Now we look forward to next year, so thank you and see you next year.
Aslak, Lars & Oscar