Week 28 Finger burns, warm water & long casts
Concentration and long cast
For the first time in this season, no fish on land this week. Let's be honest, that happens each year. We can't control the fish or the nature and it was a really warm week and with the low water, the river temperature is rising quite fast. The conditions was not the best for baltic salmon fishing, but our guests managed to get in contact with the strong Kengis salmon.
Diego caught Kengis in a magic moment
Do you find silver at the end of the rainbow?
But why should you read this blog then? Because this is not unusual when you fish for salmon. It happens for all destinations, all places. Each season there will be some weeks with hard fishing. But then it is a real pleasure to talk with the guests, and they tell us that they had a good week and the best part of the week was to meet new fishing friends and share memories. It is fantastic to bring together like minded souls that are there for the same reason. The hunt for the big fish.
If you want to read about how not no stop a big baltic salmon (it hurts!) make sure to read this blog to the end.
Searching for salmon in the fast water
All guests this week was new to Kengis, and it is always exciting to welcome them at our place. Do they like the accommodation? The fishing? And will they come back? Luckily for us Christoffer and Pontus liked Kengis. They thought it was a nice place, interesting pools and they wanted to come back next year.
Magic moment at Kengis
The water was warm so the fishing was really slow, but they managed to hook into a good sized fish in the fast water that ended up breaking the backing. We cross fingers for better luck next year.
This year we have many fish in the river and Christoffer and Pontus noticed all the fish and as they said; "There are crazy many fish in the river, we have never seen so many fish before"
Good times by the river
Janne and his friend fished hard all week and had a good time by the river. We really like to see our guests spend as much time as possible at the river. They learn to read the water, look at the conditions and there is a higher chance to see when the fish are coming into the pools.
Campfire at boat pool
Janne hooked into a nice fish and learned how not to fight a Kengis salmon. The fish raced 150 meter downstream in like 10 seconds and burned his finger. That is for sure a fish he will remember even though he did not land the fish.
Take care, the Kengis salmon is strong
We are looking at colder temperatures and we still see many fish in the river. Specially at zone 1, so hopefully they will stop and we get a chance to get in contact with them. We cross fingers for a good ending of the season.
All the best
Aslak, Lars & Oscar
Photos: Diego, Janne, Christoffer & Pontus