Week 26 Fairy tale, more silver & family
Pontus with a decent fish from Zone 3
How do you write a good fairy tale? You need something exciting, dangerous and a good ending. That sums up week 26 at Kengis Bruk.
Expectations were high with our guests this week. Huge numbers were rising in the river and we expected the fish to pass Kengis during the week.
Ready for a good week at Kengis Bruk
The guests started out well and they got in contact with the mighty baltic salmon.
The exciting part of the week:
Our guests lost 12 fish. Sometimes it is the small things that matter in a salmon fight, and in the end you can't really control the fish. You can do everything you have learned and experienced earlier. The baltic salmon is a tough fighter and it will always give our guests a strong fight.
Fighting a fish at Savikuoppa, Zone 3
Christofer lost two fish at Savikuoppa, one of them gave him a good fight, then a strong head shake and it was gone. One of them was from the strong current, 100m run with full brake and then the backing broke. Remember to check your gear.
This week was also a salmon & football week. Sweden was playing Ukraine and the match was kind of the same feeling as the week of fishing. On the post and out. That's how it can feel when you lose 12 fish in a week.
Fishing & football at boat pool
The dangerous part of the week:
Pontus and Anders had a good week in Kengis, fighted some fish in Savikuoppa and Pontus landed a decent sized fish. Enjoyed the time at the lodge and by the river.
Salmon fishing & GT at Kengis Bruk
Good times at Savikuoppa
When the heat came to Kengis they searched for fast running water and hydrated water. Pontus landed a really beautiful chromer.
Pure silver from Kengis
After a few rounds more, Pontus got in contact with one of the big baltic salmon from Kengis. First it stayed in the pool, Pontus tried to push it to shore, but that situation changed completely. A powerful run downstream on full brake and the shootingline cut a wound on the finger, Pontus lost the rod. Maybe the fish will stop when it feels the slack and Pontus could get his rod back, he jumped after the rod, but he could see his rod going downstream and then he started to feel the pain in his foot. Something was wrong. A quick visit at the hospital in Pajala showed that he needed to go to Gällivara and they could tell him that he had an achilles tendon rupture.
Pontus got his rod back
Luckily some other fishermen caught his rod downstream and he could get it back.
Get well fast Pontus. We send you thoughts and Kengis feelings. This is for sure a trip you will remember. Hope to see you back for a revenge with the big baltic salmon.
The fairy tale part of the week:
All fairy tales end well and so does this. In the end we landed three fish. Pontus with two and Patrick with one fish from Zone 1. Patrick was fishing with his father and we are always really happy to welcome families to Kengis. It is a special thing to make the surroundings for family memories.
Patrick with a beautiful fish from Zone 1
While fishing at Zone 1 they got a special visit by a little white reindeer. Great experience. A special week at Kengis.
Fantastic visit at Zone 1
Hello little friend
Now we cross fingers that next week will be more than Costa del Kengis and we will see some silver and not just the sun.
Tight lines from
Aslak, Oscar & Lars
Photos: Per, Pontus, Anders & Christofer